World's first public PlatinumGames format exporter - now exporting a lot more!
A Blender add-on created specifically for all things NieR:Automata models.
Includes all the importers, visualizers, tools and exporters for modding NieR:Automata models.
A Blender add-on for importing NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... models.
Public and functional within a week of the game's initial release!
Parses ToyLogic's inhouse engine (Toylo Engine) PACK files in search for mesh assets which it then converts and imports into relative Blender data.
NieR:Automata Race over Internet Protocol
A NieR:Automata mod that shares the location and current game phase between clients.
Specifically designed with, and for, the speedrunning community.
Other modifications included such as VC3Mod.
An add-on that implements Discord's Rich Presence system right into Blender.
Displays rendering time, project name, vertex count, etc.